Monday, January 13, 2014

Paper Valentine hearts

We're getting ready for Valentine's Day around here!
After celebrating and decorating for Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's now it's time for Valentine's Day. I've never celebrated this (small) holiday before but now that I have young kids I kind of feel it goes with the territory.

And of course my mantle screams for new decorations!

I got the kids involved in a little craft and other than that we'll just decorate it around the house a little bit.

I'll tell you how to make fun little paper hearts. You'll probably have all the materials laying around your house already.

You'll need coffee filters, washable markers, scissors and water.

Cut out your heart shape and start coloring. I folded the coffee filter in half before cutting. But of course you can free style it too :)
I put the colored hearts on a sheet of white paper and sprinkled drips of water on the hearts. With my fingers I mixed the colors a bit more. After that I put them on a cookie sheet to dry. 45 Minutes should do it.
I used ribbon to attach the cute little hearts to a wreath. And voila; the first Valentine decoration this year is made.

I used the wreath on a display near the front door. It gives a nice accent to the old wooden crate. See how I used my doilie bowl too there!

(My excuses for the screw holes in the wall. I just arranged a bunch of shelves)

I also made some blue and green hearts. Why not, it's my favorite 2 colors. For these hearts I had a garland planned but I put the holes too close together. Now the hearts just kind of fold. Don't do that! I'm gonna cut out new hearts and make new holes using the hole puncher. That should fix it!

Have fun making these. Kids will love to help.